

我们可以假设这样的场景:在Hive发布了自己刚写的文章,同时铸成了NFT在Opensea上拍卖。 前几天的文章刚有人买下了,钱包里多了10来个ETH。逛了下Sushi,有几个新的项目还蛮有意思, 就用几个ETH支持了下。和几个项目组刚完成了一期的设计,合约中的款项已经支付到帐。 晚上约好了朋友去兰桂坊喝一杯,那里早已支持ETH付款。晚上回到家,看了下屏幕: DeFi产生的收益自动支付了每天的房贷,距离结清还剩300天。抬头看了下夜空,数点星空, 景色正好。

We can assume such a scenario:I just made some money from selling an NFT on Opensea, supported a few projects on Sushi, and paid for drinks at a bar with ETH. Later, I saw that my DeFi investments had paid off my mortgage, and I looked up at the night sky with a sense of satisfaction.


人工智能助手,辅助工作流,辅助设计。它是基于多个语言模型和开发框架, 比如:Openai API、Google Gemini、Google PaLM2 Chat、Meta Llama、Yi 34B Chat、 Midjourney、Stable Diffusion、LangChain等。致力于打造优秀的人工智能助手和自动化的工作流程。 它开箱即用,对具体的应用场景和参数都做了调优。 在不断升级的过程中,将迎来更加智能化的未来!

AI assistant that aids in workflows and design, dedicated to creating excellent AI assistants and automated workflows. It is ready to use out of the box, with specific application scenarios and parameters already optimized. As it continues to upgrade, it will usher in a more intelligent future!



Meme社区是新的注意力经济,它将小伙伴们紧密相连,同时也向外部扩散。 社区Meme有营销传播的功能,小伙伴们发帖也可拿点“小红包”。 此外,Meme会很快支持网站充值的,大家就可使用AI·Joe的最新功能啰! 让我们一起共建社区吧! AI Meme走起!

Meme is the new attention economy that binds the little ones together and also spreads outward. Community Meme has the function of marketing and communication, and is also the gateway to Web3. Partners can also get a little "bonus" for posting. In addition, Meme will soon support site recharge, so you can use AI-Joe's newest feature! Let's build a community together! AI Meme, have fun!



Lark NFT会是一系列开放式的NFT合约,用户在支付一定量的LARK后即可铸造自己的NFT。 同时,这个NFT可以同步发布到自己的社交网络Hive上。用户可以在自己的社交网络中为自己宣传, 同时可以到Opensea上对作品进行拍卖。

Lark NFT will be a series of open NFT contracts, where users can mint their own NFTs by paying a certain amount of LARK. At the same time, this NFT can be synchronized and published to their social network Hive. Users can promote themselves on their own social network, and can also auction their works on Opensea.




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